Give, and it will be given to you. Those are the words of Jesus Christ in Luke 6:38 and the theme for this year’s stewardship campaign. All Shepherds Lutheran Church (ASLC) members measure their gifts as they go, love, encourage, nurture, and serve all people in Christ’s name. The measure you use, will be measured to you. Your selfless giving to the mission of God at All Shepherds is appreciated.
This year’s council goals are:
Sustain Ministry Excellence.
Maintain/Update our Buildings.
Fund/Support Outreach Ministries.
ASLC Youth participated in the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans where the theme was “Created to Be”. They experienced an awesome faith formation adventure as together they served, worshipped, and connected with Lutherans from around the world. Your donations were vital to assist in raising enough funds to send these young ASLC members on this journey of faith.
You are committed in many ways to multiple causes, and we are grateful for your support of All Shepherds. When we give our time, talents, and treasures to the church our actions are grounded in love. Many of us give generously to the church because of our lifelong commitment to God.
Review your 2023 Total Statement of Giving and 2024 YTD Statement of Giving.
Glance at the church’s Contribution Range Reports and consider…
Increasing your 2025 giving by $5-$20 per week or moving to the next Contribution Range.
Ponder adding an amount to the Challenge Grant line (only payable if 110 forms are received AND $425,00 in committed dollars ).
Click on this link, Giving Intent Form to complete your confidential 2025 giving intent form., which will be recorded by the Financial Secretary (
Consider your talents then complete the Time & Talents slip by clicking here Time & Talents Form This information will be routed to the Director of Leader Development.